Download Break Pro on your phone or tablet and you will also get a license for your computer!

The price of the app is €29.99/year

Download Break Pro for iPhone from App Store or for Android from Google Play. Payment is made when downloading the app.

By downloading the app, you will get a license for up to five devices. Please log in to the app using the same email address on all your devices.

If you use Break Pro on your computer, please open the app on your mobile device from time to time. This will keep your license active on your desktop app as well.

Leikekuva älypuhelimesta ja kannettavasta tietokoneesta, joiden näytöillä näkyy seisten rantamaisemassa verryttelevä ihminen.

Effective break exercise for your day
– Break Pro is available for all devices

The Break Pro app is available for all devices. You can do easy and efficient break exercises or longer workouts wherever and whenever it suits you best.

Break Pro is compatible with Windows, macOS, iOS, Android and ChromeOS

Kannettava tietokone, tabletti ja älypuhelin, joiden näytöillä näkyy istuen rantamaisemassa verryttelevä ihminen.