Hear from our customers

"The app has been helpful, especially for a sedentary employee like me."

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“Employees of Kela, the Social Insurance Institution of Finland, have been using the Break Pro break exercise program since 2012. At Kela, Break Pro is seen as highly versatile, providing nice, quick breaks from work. Another great feature is the possibility to either do exercises whenever you want or set automatic reminders. As an occupational health physician, I appreciate that, in addition to the high-quality break exercises, the program also offers mindfulness, relaxation, Pilates and ergonomic guidance. You can tell that customer input was considered in the development process.”

– Maija Peltonen, Chief Occupational Health Physician

Kela yrityksen yhteistyölogo


“Our team in Finland has been using the Break Pro break exercise app for the past four years. Taking regular, active breaks has had a number of positive impacts. The program has provided many of our employees with relief from both physical and mental strain. As a professional, I see the program as a versatile tool for promoting physical and mental wellbeing.”

– Susanna Widell, Occupational Physiotherapist

Nordea yrityksen yhteistyölogo

“The City of Tampere has introduced the Break Pro break exercise program to all staff. Deployment has gone exceedingly well, and the feedback has been overwhelmingly positive.”

– Johanna Riippi, Wellbeing Coordinator

 Tampereen kaupungin yrityksen yhteistyölogo


“The program is highly versatile and it lacks nothing. It's perfect! Thank you!”

“Break Pro is an ideal app. It doesn’t take too much time but really helps to relax tense spots.”

“My neck and shoulder pain has been greatly reduced. I believe my level of alertness has also increased, which increases my productivity at work.”

– City of Tampere employees

Tampereen kaupungin yrityksen yhteistyölogo

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“In the feedback survey, users commented that especially their neck and shoulder symptoms have decreased.”

Trusted by the best

Yhteistyöyritysten logot

Try Break Pro free for 14 days

Break Pro app is a high-quality, easy-to-use solution to boost your personnel wellbeing. The app is already available in 15 languages and is suitable for users all over the world.

Whether you are working in the office or from home or doing physical work, Break Pro boosts your physical and mental wellbeing. The app is also perfect for body maintenance exercise in your free time. Try the Break Pro app for free for 14 day

Henkilö seisoo työpöydän ääressä ja kurottaa oikealla kädellään takaviistoon. Tietokoneen näytöllä näkyy sama liike videona.

Personal license

29,99 € / year

Compatible with Windows, macOS, iOS, Android and ChromeOS

Neljä henkilöä seisomassa pöydän ääressä, katsomassa taukojumppavideota ja verryttelemässä ylävartaloaan jousimiesliikkeellä.

Business license

Wellbeing for your employees

Compatible with Windows, macOS, iOS, Android and ChromeOS

Effective break exercise for your day
– anytime, anywhere

The Break Pro app is available for all devices. You can do easy and efficient break exercises or longer workouts wherever and whenever it suits you best.

Break Pro is compatible with Windows, macOS, iOS, Android and ChromeOS

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