Download BREAK PRO®
to your smartphone or tablet and you can also use the application on your computer!

The price is EUR 29.99/year including VAT.

Download BREAK PRO® for iPhone from the App Store
or for Android from the Google Play store.
The payment is made in the mobile store.

The price is EUR 29.99/year including VAT.

Download BREAK PRO® for iPhone
from the App Store or for Android
from the Google Play store.
The payment is made in the mobile store.

Android / ChromeOS

You can use the application
on up to five personal devices.

Please note that you must use the same
email address to sign in on all your devices.


You can use the application
on up to five personal devices.

Please note that you must use the same
email address to sign in on all your devices.

Download BREAK PRO®
to your smartphone or tablet
and you can also use
the application on your computer!

The price is EUR 29.99/year including VAT.

Download BREAK PRO® for iPhone from the App Store
or for Android from the Google Play store.
The payment is made in the mobile store.

Android / ChromeOS

You can use the application
on up to five personal devices.

Please note that you must use the same
email address to sign in on all your devices.


Begin break exercising today
– your body will thank you

Begin break exercising
today – your body
will thank you


Windows 11 / 10 64-bit / 8.1


MacOS Mojave 10.14 >